Nonprofit Governance Models

Nonprofit Governance Models

Good governance is essential to the long-term viability and leadership of nonprofits. However some nonprofit boards do not function effectively. In fact, a poorly governed board can cause the organization to fail. Whether your nonprofit is just starting out or has been operating for a while now, ensuring your board’s efficiency can help it face challenges and achieve long-term success.

The most important job of a non-profit board is developing a strategic vision. Nonprofits need to select board members that are willing and able to devote the time and energy required for this job. This requires a comprehensive selection process that will find the perfect mix of diverse backgrounds, skills and knowledge. It is crucial to provide training and support to both new and experienced members of the board as they work together and make top-level decisions for the non-profit.

When the board prioritizes the strategic tasks, they should be able to trust the executive director to manage the day-today operations of the non-profit. Nonprofits shouldn’t rely entirely on the board committees to handle the day-to-day tasks. This can result in inefficiency as well as a lack of accountability.

If a board of a non-profit organization doesn’t have an official CEO it typically operates under the Cooperative Government Model. It is a democratic model which distributes power evenly among board members. It is most effective when board members demonstrate equal commitment to the organization as well as the ability to keep each other accountable for their actions. To avoid conflicts of interests the nonprofit must develop an appropriate conflict of interests policy and be sure to discuss it regularly with the board members.

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